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A Question to Ask Your Pastor or Preacher
This one will make their head spin
You’re surely familiar with the Bible story of Noah’s ark.
God determined that mankind had turned evil, and He decided to bring a giant flood to undo creation. He did pick one man, Noah, and his family to survive. God commanded Noah to build an ark in which he and his family would ride out the flood.
God wanted every species of animal to survive, too. So He told Noah to bring two of each animal aboard the ark, so that they may repopulate the Earth.
Noah was said to be the tenth generation from Adam. Using ages found in the Bible, scholars dated The Great Flood to approximately 2348 BC.
That leads us to a question you can ask your pastor that will likely blow their mind.
Ask them, “Did Noah bring two woolly mammoths on the ark?”
We were taught in school that the mammoth, a close relative of the elephant, went extinct about 10,000 years ago.
But recent findings suggest that mammoths survived on a Siberian island until less than 4000 years ago. Carbon dating suggests the last of the species died around 1700 BC. Six-hundred-plus years after the Great Flood!