How To Identify A White Knight Narcissist

Their motives seem altruistic, but they’re still narcissists

Paul Ryburn, M.Sc.
5 min readNov 4, 2020


white knight, on horse riding into battle
Openclipart — CC0 1.0 Universal license

Not all narcissists are easily identifiable. When we think “narcissist,” we tend to think of someone who is preening, vain, hogging the spotlight; someone who doesn’t have a care in the world for anyone but themselves.

Narcissists are not capable of deep empathy, but they are very much keen observers of people. Some of them learn to hide their true selves behind a mask of altruism.

Today we will take a look at White Knight narcissists, people who do quite a bit of good in the service of others — but who are still narcissists.

White Knight narcissists

Narcissists have a deep emptiness inside them, a void that must constantly be filled by the attention and admiration of others. This external validation that the narcissist is special and perfect is known as narcissistic supply.

Elinor Greenberg, a psychologist, lecturer, and author on narcissistic disorders, coined the term “White Knight narcissist” for narcissists who spend considerable time, energy, and/or money in the service of others. Another term is “pro-social narcissist.”



Paul Ryburn, M.Sc.
Paul Ryburn, M.Sc.

Written by Paul Ryburn, M.Sc.

I write about writing, ideas, creativity, homelessness, intuition, spirituality, life lessons. Ex-college teacher Twitter: @paulryburn

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