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Managers — 10 Signs You Need to Wrap Up Your Meeting

And how to ensure you don’t see those signs in future meetings

Paul Ryburn, M.Sc.
7 min readFeb 8, 2021
manager presenting to employees
CC0 Public Domain License — Pixy

“Because meetings involve people, things can and will go wrong. Provide first aid when necessary.” — Let’s Stop Meeting Like This: Tools to Save Time and Get More Done by Dick and Emily Axelrod

How many times have you attended a meeting that seemed to serve no purpose?

How many times have you attended a meeting that meandered on and on and on?

As a manager, wouldn’t you want to know if your attendees felt that way about your meetings?

Of course, as employees, they’re unlikely to tell you. You’re the person who signs their annual evaluations, in most cases, and if not you probably have a direct line to the person who does.

Below I will tell you what most employees will not — the telltale signs that your meeting is dragging on endlessly and needlessly.

How I became aware of these signs

Well, first of all, I’ve been an employee who has attended a lot of meetings. I’m an impatient person and whether I was aware consciously or not…



Paul Ryburn, M.Sc.
Paul Ryburn, M.Sc.

Written by Paul Ryburn, M.Sc.

I write about writing, ideas, creativity, homelessness, intuition, spirituality, life lessons. Ex-college teacher Twitter: @paulryburn

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