Toxic Friendships: A Red Flag to Help You Spot Them

A vital question to ask that may cause you to see a friendship in a different light

Paul Ryburn, M.Sc.
2 min readApr 3, 2024
man wearing a gas mask
Image by Łukasz Dyłka from Pixabay

Several months ago, someone asked me, “Rocky is one of your very good friends, isn’t he?”

Rocky is someone I’ve known and hung out with for 20 years. Rocky isn’t his real name, by the way.

My response was., “Weeeelllll……… he’s as good of a friend as he knows how to be …….. Which unfortunately means he’s sometimes not a very good friend at all.”

Think about who your “good friends” are, and whether there’s a “Rocky” among them. If asked about them, would your answer resemble mine?

If you would reply “yes,” do yourself a favor. Get that person out of your life immediately. Do not let them continue to hang around, They will sabotage you. Furthermore, they’ll do it at a place and time that causes maximum damage in your life.

“But friends are scarce,” you May protest. “I need every friend I can get.” Understandable, but “Rockys” are not your friends. It’s all about them, all of the time.

Above all else, listen to your intuition. Always.

Do you have a Rocky in your life? Feel free to share details of their “friendship” with you in the comments.



Paul Ryburn, M.Sc.

I write about writing, ideas, creativity, homelessness, intuition, spirituality, life lessons. Ex-college teacher Twitter: @paulryburn