Why You Should Pin an Index of Your Articles to the Top of Your Profile

You’re leaving money on the table if you don’t

Paul Ryburn, M.Sc.
10 min readFeb 7, 2021
Alexander Hamilton on US $10 bill
Photo credit Tim Sullivan on isorepublic

In October 2020, Medium introduced the ability for its writers to pin one or more articles to the top of their profile. For the rest of 2020, I experimented with pinning my most popular articles to the top of my profile anytime I went 2 or more days without posting something new to read.

The upside of pinning articles is that doing so increases visibility for older articles that have a history of earning you revenue. After all, when new people discover your profile, you want to put your best work forward. Not only will they be more likely to read what they find pinned, but they’ll also be more likely to follow you and keep reading your new work.

The disadvantage of pinning articles is that a lot of readers don’t realize they are pinned articles and think you haven’t written anything new in a while. This can cause them to miss your latest, costing you reads and revenue.

The best solution I have found is to create an index of your work on Medium, and pin that and only that to the top of your profile. I created an index in January 2021, and many of my articles, particularly older ones, began to perform better.



Paul Ryburn, M.Sc.

I write about writing, ideas, creativity, homelessness, intuition, spirituality, life lessons. Ex-college teacher Twitter: @paulryburn